Here at Beauty Weavers we are dedicated to protecting both our patients in the NHS and our clients in the clinic. Steph is tested twice a week, with lateral flows as per current NHS guidelines. Whilst restrictions are easing, at this time, it is the decision of the clinic for Steph to keep wearing masks during appointments.


Before your appointment

If you have had international travel, please do not book an appointment within 2 weeks of your return.

Research is still ongoing, but current advice is not to have filler/anti-wrinkle treatments 2 weeks before, or after your COVID 19 vaccination.

Please alert the clinic ASAP if you start to feel unwell and we will review circumstances on a case to case basis concerning rebooking and refunds.

If you are unwell, do NOT attend your appointment. 

You will be sent pre/after care advice on your chosen treatment, please read this carefully and follow stated advice.


On the day

Please come alone to your appointment.

Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes before your treatment time.

Please stay in your car until Steph messages you to come in. This is to prevent as much interaction between clients as possible and to allow for the room and equipment to be sanitised between clients.

Please bring only essentials with you. Keys, wallet, phone.

There will be hand sanitiser available throughout the premises. 

If clients will be leaving with a mask on, it is advised a clean mask is used, due to the nature of the treatments, so as to protect your skin.

If you are more than 10 minutes late, your appointment will be cancelled and will need to be rebooked.

No shows and late cancellations (min 48 hours) will lose their booking and booking fees will not be refunded.